IBD-Control Clinical Workflow

IBD-Control Clinical Workflow


The IBD-Control is a rapid, reliable, valid and sensitive instrument for measuring overall disease control from the patient's perspective. Unlike existing patient reported outcome measures, its simplicity, ease-of-use and generic applicability make it a candidate for supporting routine care. It was developed in 2014 by Bodger et al. [1]

The IBD-Control flow contains the IBD-Control questionnaire and associated calculation. After form submission, the IBD-Control calculation is executed automatically. It's easy to extend this flow with conditional logic based on the interpretation of the IBD-Control calculation.

IBD-Control questionnaire

Questions and Scoring

The IBD-Control instrument can be found as supplementary appendix 1 to the original publication [1] or under this following link.

The ‘IBD-Control’ questionnaire includes five sections numbered 1 through 5. The first four sections contain a series of 13 categorical questions, each of which has three response options. Of the categorical questions, 12 items have response options of ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘Not sure’ and the remaining question is a transition question for overall bowel symptoms with options of ‘Better’, ‘No change’ or ‘Worse’. The fifth section contains the horizontal VAS, anchored between zero (worst possible control) and 100 (best possible control). The time horizon for disease control assessment is the ‘past 2 weeks’. [1]

Scoring: Each response to the 13 individual items is scored as follows: zero points for least favourable reply; one point for intermediate or indeterminate reply; two points for most favourable reply. [1]


[1] Bodger K, Ormerod C, Shackcloth D, Harrison M; IBD Control Collaborative. Development and validation of a rapid, generic measure of disease control from the patient's perspective: the IBD-control questionnaire. Gut. 2014;63(7):1092-1102. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2013-305600

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