Mini-Best Test Clinical Workflow

Mini-Best Test Clinical Workflow


This clinical balance assessment tool is a shortened version of the Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest) a balance assessment tool with focuses on “dynamic balance” [1]. It aims to target and identify 6 different balance control systems so that specific rehabilitation approaches can be designed for different balance deficits. The BESTest was shortened based on factor analysis to include dynamic balance only and to improve clinical utilization [2].

The Mini-Best Test flow contains the Mini-Best Test questionnaire and associated calculation. After form submission, the Mini-Best Test calculation is executed automatically. It's easy to extend this flow with conditional logic based on the interpretation of the Mini-Best Test calculation.

Mini-Best Test questionnaire

Questionnaire (scoring form)

The Mini BESTest is a 14-item test scored on a 3-level ordinal scale [0, 2].

Mini BESTest assesses dynamic balance, a unidimensinal construct and includes 14 items addressing 4 of the 6 sections of the original BESTest:

Question 3 & 6

Question 3 & 6 have right and left assessment in which the lower score is used within the total score.


[1] Horak FB, Wrisley DM, Frank J. The Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest) to differentiate balance deficits. Phys Ther. 2009 May;89(5):484-98. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20080071. Epub 2009 Mar 27. PMID: 19329772; PMCID: PMC2676433.\
[2] Franchignoni F, Horak F, Godi M, Nardone A, Giordano A. Using psychometric techniques to improve the Balance Evaluation Systems Test: the mini-BESTest. J Rehabil Med. 2010 Apr;42(4):323-31. doi: 10.2340/16501977-0537. PMID: 20461334; PMCID: PMC3228839.

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