September 17, 2024

How Awell Bootcamps Help You Solve CareOps Bottlenecks in Days

Care teams are done waiting months for care flow improvements. Speed is critical —complexity is growing, demand is skyrocketing, and providers are burning out. With Awell, our customers transform care flows in days, without IT slowing them down. To prove it, we started offering free bootcamps—a hands-on, hackathon-style experience where care organizations tackle hard care flow problems in 2.5 days. 

“Our team flew in from across the country, making this bootcamp a high-stakes exercise—but it was 100% worth it. In just a few days, we revamped our onboarding process with a drive that would take most teams months to match.” - Dr. Arpan Parikh, Chief Medical Officer at SOL Mental Health

The results speak for themselves. We recently partnered with SOL Mental Health, a provider of integrated, outpatient behavioral health services, to revamp their onboarding process in a 2.5-day bootcamp. By the end, we had a functioning onboarding flow with a custom scheduling system that pulled provider availability from Google Calendar and matches patients to providers based on preferences like age, ethnicity and gender. What would have taken their team months to build internally was more than 80% of the way in days.

Intake flow our customer has built during bootcamp! (The next time someone says an intake flow is just a simple Typeform, I’ll send them this screenshot)

In another bootcamp, we went from Miro to automation in just 1.5 days. They came in with a Miro board so massive, I had to lie down. But by the end, we had turned that monster into a streamlined, automated system with automated data collection, task automation and nudges. Without Awell, all of this would have been done manually, creating a massive bottleneck for their admin teams.

People say the best part of our bootcamps is my dry humor. (Source: Yours truly.)

And yet another time, we integrated with both their homegrown system and seven other tools we’d never seen before—streamlining their entire medication management process. But I’ll stop before I start sounding like a broken record. At this point, it’s pretty clear these bootcamps work, and they accelerate our customers significantly.

Why we do bootcamps

We believe in two things when it comes to bootcamps.

First, we believe in proof, not endless talk. We’re not here to trap you in a cycle of sales pitches and demos. We’d rather skip the talk phase and jump straight into action. Our bootcamps are built to do exactly that—get your team hands-on with the platform, solving real problems from day one.

“When I walked into the room at 11 a.m., the team was already in full build mode. You could feel the momentum building. It was amazing to see things move so quickly and with such focus.” - Director of Operations, large VBC organization

Second, we believe in cutting out long implementation cycles. Nothing kills momentum faster than months of meetings and check-ins with no progress. Our bootcamps condense what would normally take months into a few days of in-person, high-energy collaboration. No distractions, no delays—just results.

Bootcamps give you proof, not promises. It’s your chance to see Awell in action and how we work, solving real problems fast. And the best part? They’re free, and you don’t need to be a customer to join. We believe in showing, not telling, so you can see the results before making any commitments.

Why it works

Our platform is built for this. Awell is low-code, which means clinical and operation teams can jump right in—building flows alongside our CareOps strategists. Meanwhile, engineers work hand-in-hand with our solutions engineers, using our APIs, SDKs, and open-source components to build exactly what’s needed—whether it’s integrations, custom interfaces, or more.

Pressure creates diamonds. With just a few days to deliver, there’s no room for endless talks—we’re here to build. By the end of the bootcamp, we need to demo something tangible to the leadership team.

In-person sparks magic. There’s no substitute for face-to-face collaboration. When teams connect in the same room—building relationships, sharing ideas (and lunch)—the energy shifts, and breakthroughs happen that just aren’t possible over a screen.

Our goal is to empower you. A bootcamp isn’t like sitting through a boring class. It’s hands-on, tackling real use cases today, while building the skills and confidence to master Awell independently tomorrow. Unlike other vendors who trap you in costly dependency, we give you the platform to build and scale independently. 

We believe in showing, not telling.

How it works

Our bootcamps are typically 2.5 days of focused, hands-on collaboration, with some light prep work beforehand. Before we start, we’ll gather key details around technology needs—like how and where to integrate with your systems—and decide on one use case to prioritize.

"During the bootcamp, we hit some walls, but Awell’s open, API-first platform made them easy to knock down. What really stood out was how quickly their team helped us navigate the tricky parts, showing they’re just as invested in our success as we are.” - Avishai Gurt, Director of Engineering at Paloma Health

Day 1-2: We’ll run two parallel tracks. On the clinical side, your team will collaborate with Awell’s CareOps strategists to design and build the first use cases. Meanwhile, your IT team works closely with Awell’s solution engineers to build what’s needed.

Day 3: The team will present the results to their leadership team, showcasing what’s been built.

Final thoughts

We get it—asking for a 2.5-day commitment is a lot. We know it’s not easy to carve out that time, and we’re flexible in our approach. We’ve done 1-day bootcamps and even virtual bootcamps spread over several days. But here’s what we also know: the work that gets done during those focused days is some of the best, most energized your team will feel in months.

This isn’t just about evaluating Awell—it’s about bringing your team together to tackle some of the hardest workflow problems head-on. The energy, collaboration, and breakthroughs that happen during these bootcamps are worth it.

You also get neat CareOps merch.

Ready to solve your workflow problems? Reach out, and we can jump straight into scheduling a bootcamp—or just chat to explore if Awell is the right fit. If you’ve got questions, feel free to ask—I’m happy to connect you with customers who’ve seen the bootcamp magic firsthand.

P.S.: We owe a nod to Palantir for inspiring the bootcamp model. Like them, we believe teams should have the power to build—without being trapped in costly vendor dependency. 

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