Mental Health Triage Flow
Overview of the mental health triage flow
We can divide the mental health triage flow into 2 phases:
Depression Severity Assessment
Push information to your systems
Depression Severity Assessment
At the start of the flow, the patient is asked to fill in the PHQ-9 questionnaire. The PHQ-9 is a validated, 9-question tool to assess for the degree of depression present in an individual; the last question is not scored, but is useful functionally to help the clinician assess the impact of the patient's symptoms on his or her life. You have the flexibility to decide when you want to send this questionnaire to your patient. We can easily connect with your scheduling and for example, automatically send the questionnaire to your patient 1 week before the actual consultation. Besides, you also can decide in which way you send the PHQ-9 to your patient. It can be embedded on a landing page, via email, via a text message or via your application.
Once the patient filled in the PHQ-9, the Awell system will automatically calculate the PHQ-9 total score. Based on this score, the patient is notified of their current depression severity. The following results are possible:
Minimal or no depression symptoms
Mild depression symptoms
Moderate depression symptoms
Moderately severe depression symptoms
Severe depressio symptoms
Push information to your system
After our system automatically calculated the PHQ-9 result, the Awell system will send the results of the questionnaire and calculation to your systems EMR. Besides, you also have the flexibility to use the data collected in the questionnaire for other systems (e.g scheduling, medical billing, online pharmacy & fulfilment, e-prescribing, insurance eligibility....)
The mental health triage flow offers numerous benefits that will increase efficiency on the one hand and improve the quality of care for both patient and provider on the other.
Automatic calculation of the PHQ-9
Integrated with your systems (Electronic Medical Record, scheduling, medical billing, online pharmacy & fulfilment, e-prescribing, insurance eligibility....)
Decreased administrative burden for the care team