Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment - Patella score (VISA-P)
Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment - Patella score flow
The Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-Patella (VISA-P) is the most condition-specific patient-reported outcome measure used to assess symptom severity in athletes with patellar tendinopathy[1].The Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment - Patella score flow contains the Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment – Patella score (VISA-P) questionnaire and associated calculation. After form submission, the Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment - Patella score calculation is executed automatically. It's easy to extend this flow with conditional logic based on the interpretation of the Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment - Patella score calculation.
Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment – Patella score (VISA-P) questionnaire
Questions and Scoring
The VISA contains 8 questions about patellar tendinosis:
6 of 8 questions are scored on a VAS from 0-10 (10 is optimal health)
Question 7 has 4 categories that can be scored at 0, 4, 7 or 10
Question 8 is dependent on patient’s current pain level and scored based on how long they can train
Max score for asymptomatic individual is 100; theoretical minimum is 0
Click here for English version of the VISA-P
Click here for Dutch version of the VISA-P
The higher the score, the more asymptomatic (i.e. lower score = worse).
[1] Sergio Hernandez-Sanchez et al. "Confirmatory factor analysis of VISA-P scale and measurement invariance across sexes in athletes with patellar tendinopathy". Journal of Sport and Health Science, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2017, Pages 365-371.